Our mission is to fundamentally transform Jewish education through experiential learning that fosters Jewish and ecological sustainability.
Teva Learning Alliance acts on this mission in four critical ways:
1. Programs - Experiential Jewish education for an ecological age; Powerful and fun for kids, adults, and families.
2. Training Teachers and Certification - Professional development that delivers cutting edge methodologies and content to educators.
3. Consultancy, and Thought-Leadership.
4. Alliance Building
Teva Learning Alliance is a national Jewish non-profit organization focused on innovation in Jewish education. Since 1994, we have worked with over 450 day schools, congregations, camps, JCCs, BJEs, youth groups, and other Jewish institutions. The more than 100,000 individuals who have benefited from our direct programs cover the spectrum of religious affiliation and age. The 700+ educators who have sought out our professional development opportunities spread ripples throughout their own communities.
Teva is, at its heart, a grass-roots movement. The young adults, who form the core of our Teva educators, have been inspired by their experiences living and teaching in community, to start 14 new initiatives that are making real impact on the Jewish community.