An essential partner constituency, congregations from around the country have come to understand what an impact Teva educators have on one's connection to the Jewish faith and the environment. It is the magic of Teva that grows in the hearts of so many inspired children and adults who have been enlightened and are making a difference.
Teva’s congregational and community programs reach almost 2,000 children and over 1,000 adults from over 60 different groups. Participants from congregations and community groups join Teva for one of three types of programs: 1) Shabbat Retreats; 2) Training programs for adult Jewish educators and leaders who want to bring Jewish environmental education into their setting; and 3) Educator-In-Residence programs taught around topics such as Tu b’Shvat, Birkat HaChama, B’nei Mitzvah, Sukkot, and Food. Congregational and community programs reach participants from across the county including Boulder, Baltimore, Cleveland, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Vermont. See our full list below of congregations who have learned and grown with Teva over the years.
Contact us to find out how to bring Teva to your congregation.
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Synagogue
Adath Jeshurun
Ahavat Olam
AJC Westchester
Anshe Emet Synagogue, Chicago
Barnert Temple
Berkshire Hills Emanuel Camp
Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School
Beth El
Beth Israel
Beth Israel Synagogue
Beth Shalom "The Cary Temple"
Beth Shalom of Carroll County
Beth Sholom Congregation
Beth Tfiloh
Bnai Israel
Bnai Jeshurun
B'nai Tzedek
Bolton Street Synagogue
Brooklyn Heights Synagogue
Brotherhood Synagogue
Camp Gan Israel
Central Hebrew High: The Partnership for Jewish Learning and Life
Central Synagogue of Nassau County
Chizuk Amuno
Commack Jewish Center
Community Synagogue of Rye Men's Club
Congregation Adath Israel
Congregation Beth Ahabah
Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York
Congregation Kol Ami
Congregation Rodeph Shalom
Federation of South Palm Beach County
Flemington JCC
Foundation for Keshet
Friedberg JCC
Germantown Jewish Center
Hadassah Program
Harford Jewish Center - Havre de Grace
Hazon Food Conference
Hazon New York Bike Ride
Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
Hevreh of Southern Berkshire
Huntington Jewish Center
IFRC - Agudath Achim
IFRC - Maimonides
Jacksonville Jewish Center
Jewish Community Relations Council, Boston
Jewish Community Relations Council of New York
Jewish Education Project's G2E initiative
J-High c/o Hillcrest Jewish Center
UJA JSAM Chesvan Service Day
J-Teen at UJA-Federation, Grinspoon
Jewish Theological Seminary
Kehilah Chadasha
Kehilla Partnership, Bergen County Y
Kehillat Shalom
Kellman Academy
Kol Ami
Kol Shalom
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institue of Religion
Limmud Colorado
Mid-Island Y JCC
Midway Jewish Center
Morristown Jewish center
Mosholu Montefiore Community Center
North Shore Jewish Center
NYU Bronfman Center
Ohavi Zedek
Oheb Shalom
Pelham Jewish Center
Philipstown Reform Synagogue
Professional Leaders Project
Ramaz Middle School
Reconstructionist Synagogue of North Shore
Reform Temple of Forest Hills
Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont
Seigal College
Shir Ami
Sinai Free Synagogue
South Huntington Jewish Center
Staten Island JCC
Stephen Wise Free Synagogue
Taglit-Birthright Israel
Temple Aliyah
Temple Beth Avodah
Temple Beth El of Bellmore
Temple Beth El of Northern Valley
Temple Beth Shalom
Temple B'nai Or
Temple Emmanuel
Temple Isaiah
Temple Israel Center
Temple Israel of Great Neck
Temple Shalom
Temple Sholom
Temple Sinai
Temple Sinai of Saratoga Springs, NY
The Conservative Synagogue of Westport
The Jewish Center
The Partnership for Jewish Life and Learning
Tiferet Bet Israel
Town and Village Synagogue, New York City
United Synagogue Youth
Village Temple
West Suburban Temple Har Zion
Westchester Association of Temple Educators
Woodbury Jewish Center
Yavneh of Capitol Hill Havurah
Yeshiva University
Young Judaea