Teva’s congregational and community programs reach almost 2,000 children and over 1,000 adults from over 60 different groups from across the county including Boulder, Baltimore, Cleveland, Miami, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Vermont. Participants from congregations and community groups join Teva for one of three types of programs:
1. Shabbat Retreats
2. Training programs for adult Jewish educators and leaders who want to bring Jewish environmental education into their setting
3. Educator-In-Residence programs taught around topics such as Tu b’Shvat, Birkat HaChama, B’nei Mitzvah, Sukkot, and Food.
To find out how to get your congregation involved, view our congregational and community groups program brochure and contact us today.
Congregational Brochure
Kesher Yarok
Gateways to Engagement (G2E)